Social, Educational, and Economic Development

SEED’s mission is to promote sustainable development, human rights, and deliver humanitarian assistance in Kurdistan.

We are focused on promoting sustainable and equitable economic and social development, to ensure that our programming has an impact over the long-term.  Our work reflects international best practices and expertise, combined with local know-how and understanding.  We are committed to gender equity and the empowerment and well-being of women, children, and other vulnerable and underserved segments of the population, including the displaced.  SEED also advocates for and supports policy and institutional reforms in Kurdistan, as well as increasing public awareness on critical public policy issues here in Kurdistan and internationally.

Our Goals for 2016

  • To help those displaced by ISIS to heal from violence and trauma, and cope with displacement and rebuild their lives.
  • To help survivors of violence to recover, increase their resiliency and self –sufficiency, and become active, contributing members of our community.
  • To work to end the cycle of violence and combat sexual and gender based violence (SGBV) in our society.
  • To improve the access to, and quality of, psycho-social services in Kurdistan, particularly to survivors of SGBV.
  • To promote human rights and assist victims of trafficking, labor abuse and exploitation, through working with local institutions to increase the protections, improve policies and practices, and providing representation and advocacy for individual cases.