Anti-Trafficking Hackathon

Join us in our mission to combat human trafficking in the Kurdistan Region through innovation and collaboration! The first Anti-Trafficking Hackathon in the region, hosted by SEED Foundation and the University of Kurdistan, Hewlêr (UKH)’s Centre for Peacebuilding and Dialogue, is an exciting opportunity for university students to workshop creative solutions to one of the most pressing issues of our time.


Globally, an estimated 50 million people live in modern slavery, also known as human trafficking, on any given day.

In Kurdistan and Iraq, human trafficking is a critical issue affecting women, men, girls, and boys. Since 2019, SEED has supported over 550 survivors of trafficking from over 32 countries, including from Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. This includes survivors of labor exploitation and domestic servitude, sexual exploitation and abuse, organ trafficking, and more; and which has required close coordination and joint efforts with the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) Directorate for Combating Organized Crime (DCOC).

Despite significant steps taken by the KRG, NGO’s, and the United Nations to protect survivors and hold perpetrators to account, more efforts are needed to combat this grave violation of human rights effectively. SEED and UKH are committed to addressing this challenge by empowering young minds to develop innovative solutions to one of the most pressing social issues of our time.

Learn more about human trafficking in Kurdistan here.


The hackathon aims to collect the most innovative solutions to the question, “How Can We Effectively Combat Human Trafficking in Kurdistan?”

By relying on the creativity and unique perspectives of youth, we aim to develop culturally sensitive and impactful strategies to raise awareness and combat human trafficking.

This might include technology-based solutions, awareness and advocacy campaigns, events, training and education-based solutions and more.


  • Identify creative solutions to combat human trafficking in the Kurdistan Region
  • Raise awareness among university students on how to identify and report human trafficking cases
  • Encourage innovative problem-solving and enhance participants’ skills in project development, presentation, and advocacy
  • Foster collaboration between students, academic institutions, and organizations working on combating human trafficking
  • Assess the feasibility and potential impact of proposed ideas to combat human trafficking in the region


  • Groups of 2-5 university students
  • Must be currently enrolled university students based in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • Applications should be submitted in English
  • Submission of a 1-page idea overview, outlining the impact, implementation methods, necessary partners, and estimated timeline and budget
  • The budget for implementation should not exceed $3,000


Applications Open: June 25–July 11, 2024

Submission Deadline: CLOSED

Selection Notification: By July 18, 2024

Hackathon Details

Date: July 29–30, 2024

Location: Erbil

Participants: University students from all universities across the Kurdistan Region

SEED will provide hotel accommodation and travel/transport stipends for students selected from outside the city.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted to attend the Hackathon.

For enquiries and questions, please contact