Psychosocial Support Training Program for Practitioners
Strengthening skills of service providers through training and supervision
As a result of the latest crisis and a history of conflict, violence and persecution, local capacity to respond to the mental health needs of the population is overwhelmed. The Psychosocial Support Services (PSS) Training Program at the Center for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services (MHPSS) at Koya University is designed to improve skills of helping professionals providing services so they can better support survivors’ needs.
This program will train psychologists, social workers and other service providers in a six-month training program, integrating four weeks of in-class instruction with ongoing supervision at their workplace. They will review critical elements of MHPSS services and learn to integrate new knowledge and skills into practice. Through interactive and experiential learning approaches, integrating lecture with discussion, role-playing, case studies, case presentations, videos, and group and independent projects, participants will be empowered to support their clients in the healing process.