Source: Amnesty International / Date: July 2020

Amnesty International has released a report on the plight of child survivors of ISIS in Iraq, which documents the psychological, physical, and other forms of trauma that the children are suffering from even today, as well as the work of SEED Foundation and other organizations working to help them overcome these challenges.

“The armed group calling itself the Islamic State (IS) committed war crimes, crimes against humanity and what the UN has characterized as genocide against the Yezidi community in Iraq. While thousands of children were killed or abducted, hundreds have survived and returned to their families in Iraq. These child survivors now face significant challenges. Their physical health is often severely compromised; many experience mental health conditions; they sometimes cannot speak or even understand the dialect of Kurdish spoken by their families; and many are unable to re-enroll in school after missing several years.” Amnesty International, July 2020.

The Report is available in English, Kurdish, and Arabic