SEED Foundation and Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MoLSA) Cement Partnership to Strengthen Protective Services Available in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI)
Erbil, Iraq – July 4, 2022: The Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) Minister for Labor and Social Affairs, Kwestan Mohamad Abdulla and SEED Foundation President, Sherri Kraham Talabany, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that solidifies their joint commitment to serve the children, women, men, internally displaced people, refugees, and migrant workers living in Kurdistan.
“Through this partnership, SEED will work to meet the immediate demand for services to vulnerable people in MOLSA shelters across Kurdistan – ensuring urgent needs are met today – and will work with MOLSA to pave the way for sustainable service delivery and institutional change for the long term,” says SEED President, Sherri Kraham Talabany.
KRG Minister for Labor and Social Affairs, Kwestan Mohamad Abdulla also expressed her regard for the importance of this MOU, “I am pleased that SEED Foundation and MOLSA share a joint mission to uphold child rights, women’s rights, and human rights. We welcome SEED’s support to make life-saving support services more accessible, and to build knowledge and spread awareness on critical issues that affect Kurdistan society today.”
Building on over five years of existing collaboration, this MOU widens the scope of cooperation to include:
- Strengthened referral pathways for survivors and those at risk of Gender-Based Violence (GBV), human trafficking, and other forms of violence across Erbil, Duhok, Sulaimani, Halabja, and Garmiyan and Raparin Administrations. This MOU will support SEED to provide increased services by SEED to clients in MOLSA-run shelters, including comprehensive case management, mental health, psychosocial support, legal and protection services.
- Tailored capacity building and skills development through the provision of training programs for MOLSA personnel.
- In-depth analysis, technical assistance, policy development, and awareness raising for the revision and implementation of laws, regulations, and processes in the KRI related to MOLSA’s mandate.
SEED Foundation is a local NGO in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, committed to protecting, empowering, and supporting the recovery of survivors of violence and others at risk. Our approach to this mission is integrative and holistic. We provide quality and comprehensive services, including mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS), legal, protection, and shelter services; training, capacity building, and education to those working to protect and serve survivors; and policy and advocacy to strengthen laws, policies, practices and protections for vulnerable people, and promote social change.
For more information, please contact:
- Marley Tinnock, Communications Manager: marley.tinnock@seedkurdistan.org, +964 750 809 8541
- SEED Foundation Media: media@seedkurdistan.org