Connecting My Head and My Heart: How IC Thinking is Helping Survivors of Violence Re-engage with the World

2022-05-11T10:49:05+00:00May 11th, 2022|Children Affected by Violence, MHPSS Page, News|

Connecting My Head and My Heart: How IC Thinking is Helping Survivors of Violence Re-engage with the World Despite the declaration of ISIS’s defeat in Iraq in 2017, over one million1 conflict-affected women, men, and children remain in need of assistance, with some still missing, and others displaced. In 2014, ISIS targeted the already [...]

Stronger Together: Integrative Complexity (IC) Thinking

2022-03-06T08:40:04+00:00March 3rd, 2022|Children Affected by Violence, MHPSS Page, News|

Stronger Together: Integrative Complexity (IC) Thinking Everyone is different. Different likes and dislikes, beliefs and perspectives. But these differences don’t have to be divisive; they can, in fact, foster growth, adaptability, and resilience. That’s where the IC Thinking method, and SEED Foundation’s partnership with co-founder and developer Dr. Sara Savage, comes into it. [...]

Can We Build a Brighter Future for Children Exploited by War?

2022-03-06T08:40:28+00:00February 9th, 2022|Child Soldiers, Children Affected by Violence, MHPSS Page, News|

Can We Build a Brighter Future for Children Exploited by War? The forced recruitment and exploitation of children during conflict is not a new phenomenon, but it is a gravely concerning one. Between 2005 and 2020, an estimated 93,000 children were recruited and used as soldiers around the world1 - although this number [...]

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