Between Books and Street-Smarts: Ethics of Journalism in Iraq and Kurdistan

2024-05-28T09:10:19+00:00May 28th, 2024|GBV, GBV page, Stories|

Between Books and Street-Smarts: Ethics of Journalism in Iraq and Kurdistan The media — including newspapers, television, radio, websites, and social media, through which we are exposed to or consume information from — represents a critical and powerful sphere of influence that underpins the norms, ideas, and behaviors within society. Media practitioners therefore have [...]

Beyond Black & White Thinking: Fostering Integrative Complexity to Encourage Reintegration of Children Affected by War

2023-06-21T13:05:51+00:00February 12th, 2023|Children Affected by Violence, News, Stories|

Beyond Black & White Thinking: Fostering Integrative Complexity to Encourage Reintegration of Children Affected by War  ISIS systematically destroyed and terrorized communities across Iraq and Syria, breaking up families and often recruiting the most vulnerable members - children - as domestic workers, cleaners, messengers, or soldiers. These children, many of whom are now young adults, [...]

Restoring A Sense of Safety for Returnees in Ninewa

2023-06-21T13:03:25+00:00July 6th, 2022|News, Stories|

Restoring A Sense of Safety for Returnees in Ninewa  SEED Trains over 50 NGO staff on Protection and Gender-Based Violence To date, almost 5 million Iraqis, formerly displaced by ISIS, have returned home. And while once many lived in communities that enjoyed relative safety, years of exposure to conflict and long-term displacement has resulted [...]

Gender-based Violence Training: Helping Yourself to Help Others

2022-11-26T11:43:51+00:00May 15th, 2022|Stories|

Gender-based Violence Training: Helping Yourself to Help Others For Bassma and Hemin, working in a difficult environment everyday was taking its toll. The emotional strain and demand to be available at all hours of the day, was having an impact on their mental health and their relationships with their families.  Bassma, 36, is a [...]

Stringing Together Beads of Hope: Economically Empowering Survivors of Human Trafficking through Paper Bead Making

2022-03-28T08:07:34+00:00March 28th, 2022|Stories|

Stringing Together Beads of Hope: Economically Empowering Survivors of Human Trafficking through Paper Bead Making Thanks to Intira Thepsittawiwat, who donated her time and expertise, SEED Foundation supported 11 women, from 3 countries, to learn how to make paper bead necklaces. These women, while residing in SEED’s STEPS Center, were empowered with new skills that [...]

Access to Client-Centered Services Critical to Supporting Survivors of Trafficking

2021-08-24T12:41:42+00:00August 24th, 2021|Stories|

Access to Client-Centered Services Critical to Supporting Survivors of Trafficking Tara*, 52, came to the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) from South Asia in 2018, having been recruited for a well-paid domestic worker position. Upon arrival, her employment agency failed to obtain her residency (iqama), instead moving her to several locations in the KRI and [...]

Legal Services Play Critical Role in SEED’s Support for Trafficking Survivors

2021-04-05T19:20:31+00:00April 5th, 2021|Stories|

Legal Services Play Critical Role in SEED’s Support for Trafficking Survivors Navigating the legal system is often a complicated and lengthy process for victims, or survivors, of human trafficking. It is common in Kurdistan for them to face criminal charges instead of being recognized as survivors, leading to further exploitation or abuse. [...]

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