Dlovan* and Zerdesht* are two young brothers. In 2014, ISIS killed their father and they were captured along with their mother, Zaynab*. The brothers were tortured, abused, exposed to violence against others and held by ISIS in two ISIS training camps, one in Syria and one in Iraq.

Thankfully, Zaynab, Dlovan and Zerdesht were able to escape from captivity and they are currently residing in the Kurdistan Region. While they are now physically safe, they face many challenges, including difficulties in reconnecting and communicating with loved ones. Both boys forgot their native language and could only speak the language of their abusers.

SEED Foundation is providing Zaynab and her children a full range of services to help them cope with their experiences and to adjust to their new life in displacement. SEED first provided critical care services including psychological first aid, provision of a care kit with basic hygiene supplies and other items to help address immediate needs and restore dignity, and conducted a full needs assessment for all family members. Working with the family, SEED developed a care plan for ongoing mental health and case management services.

As part of SEED’s comprehensive case management services, we provide support, financial assistance and advocacy in addressing medical issues. With SEED’s support, one child was able to have a required surgery in a public hospital.

We provided Zaynab, Dlovan and Zerdesht with psychological services and SEED’s case manager also provided Kurdish language instruction for the boys. SEED’s case manager also connected them with a Child Friendly Space where they were able to have fun and make new friends. We’re now helping Zaynab enroll her children in school so that they can have a brighter future.


*Names and identifying details have been changed to protect client confidentiality.